Seems incredible but sometimes costs us working OK which clearly are made targets for anyone. We fight with a situation or circumstance because we just cannot accept that things or persons are conducted certain way, whether we like it or not, we want to or not. Other leaders such as celebrity trainer offer similar insights. Perhaps, like us that things were different, that he or she changed so I am very, very happy, or not having both the angry, so angry or perhaps so much desolation. I do not mean to be not sore, I do not mean to not cause havoc. The reality is that in a home when we have a difficult or critical situation, we usually deny it, we feel that it is not happening and finally is not another buck that is happening to us, what we are experiencing.
We deny it by how painful it may be at that time, and when we have better tools we dare to run the veil and discover what there is. And then, face recognition, we berreamos, we cry, we're looking for a wall of lamentations. We would like to find a guilty only for hit with all our anger, our anger, our powerlessness and despair. At least at this time, we have gone from denial to anger and sadness. Then, think that maybe leave this or did the other things change. But again we realize that neither doing nor removing, nor resurciendo, nor emendando things change. But that on the contrary, things are as they are.
Once past the entire process, finally we arrived at acceptance. Any loss so live, a painful process to what more. But there is no choice but have to move it. A relationship is terminated, the loss of a job, expectations not fulfilled, dreams crumbled, children will be home, the loss of health.
We deny it by how painful it may be at that time, and when we have better tools we dare to run the veil and discover what there is. And then, face recognition, we berreamos, we cry, we're looking for a wall of lamentations. We would like to find a guilty only for hit with all our anger, our anger, our powerlessness and despair. At least at this time, we have gone from denial to anger and sadness. Then, think that maybe leave this or did the other things change. But again we realize that neither doing nor removing, nor resurciendo, nor emendando things change. But that on the contrary, things are as they are.
Once past the entire process, finally we arrived at acceptance. Any loss so live, a painful process to what more. But there is no choice but have to move it. A relationship is terminated, the loss of a job, expectations not fulfilled, dreams crumbled, children will be home, the loss of health.